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cinnamon Kalorien-Nährwerte

cinnamon Calories & Nutritional value

124 nutritional values like carbs, protein etc.

Low Carb
159,00 g
g NET carbs
3,99 g
g protein
1,24 g
g fat
2,00 g
g sugar
53,00 g
g fiber

Is 100 gram of cinnamon enough or too much for your daily goal?

e.g. male, 30 years old, 180 cm, 155 lbs, average activity level, goal "maintain your weight"

calories in kcal (247 kcal / 2410 kcal total per day)
carbs in gram (159,0 gram of 112 gram - goal: "personalized low carb" - sign up for ketogenic)
protein in gram (4,0 gram / 56 gram)
fat in gram (1,2 gram / 226 gram)

Burn 100 gram of cinnamon

How much you have to work(out) to burn 100 gram of cinnamon

calories burned by running running (average speed)
40 minutes
calories burned on your crosstrainercrosstrainer (average speed)
48 minutes
calories burned by bodyweight-workoutweight training with your own body (average intensity)
63 minutes
calories burned by walkingwalking (average speed)
69 minutes
calories burned by riding a bicycle in low intensitybicycle (slow speed)
69 minutes
calories burned by average homeworkhomework (low intensity)
86 minutes

Recipes with cinnamon

Super delicious cinnamon recipes from Foodabi

Salad with apples and carrots
Kebab Skewers with Homemade Tzatziki
Protein Pancakes
Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake
Juicy Cevapcici
Cream cheese pancakes with fruits
Steak with a Rocket Pomegranate Salad
Low Carb Apple Pie
Low Carb Cereal
Low Carb Chocolate Pancakes