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junket with 3,5 % milkfat Kalorien-Nährwerte

junket with 3,5 % milkfat Calories & Nutritional value

7 nutritional values like carbs, protein etc.

Low Carb
4,60 g
g NET carbs
3,50 g
g protein
3,50 g
g fat
4,60 g
g sugar
0,00 g
g fiber

Is 100 gram of junket with 3,5 % milkfat enough or too much for your daily goal?

e.g. male, 30 years old, 180 cm, 155 lbs, average activity level, goal "maintain your weight"

calories in kcal (66 kcal / 2410 kcal total per day)
carbs in gram (4,6 gram of 112 gram - goal: "personalized low carb" - sign up for ketogenic)
protein in gram (3,5 gram / 56 gram)
fat in gram (3,5 gram / 226 gram)

Burn 100 gram of junket with 3,5 % milkfat

How much you have to work(out) to burn 100 gram of junket with 3,5 % milkfat

calories burned by running running (average speed)
11 minutes
calories burned on your crosstrainercrosstrainer (average speed)
13 minutes
calories burned by bodyweight-workoutweight training with your own body (average intensity)
17 minutes
calories burned by walkingwalking (average speed)
18 minutes
calories burned by riding a bicycle in low intensitybicycle (slow speed)
18 minutes
calories burned by average homeworkhomework (low intensity)
23 minutes

Recipes with junket with 3,5 % milkfat

Super delicious junket with 3,5 % milkfat recipes from Foodabi